Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Best Friend Forever


        What is a best friend? Is it the person you hang out with the most? Is it the person you act silly with, share your secrets with or eat junk food with while you cry? I used to think that's what a best friend was until I met this man named Jesus. My whole world was forever changed on the day we met. Have I walked away from Him at times? Of course. Did I fail Him? Sure did. Did that change our friendship? NO! God is faithful, forever chasing after our lonely and broken hearts. 
        My husband and I are very close but there are some things that He just can't do for me. He can't heal the brokenness of my past. He can't forgive my sins and wipe them all away. So in all reality, my husband can't be my best friend. Neither can my mom. She's another one that I've been very close to. Can she comfort me when my heart is longing to hold a baby in my arms? No. She can try and it helps at times; but NO ONE can love me and comfort like Jesus can. He is truly my friend forever! He holds me when I'm falling apart. He comforts me when I'm full of sorrow. He strengthens me when I'm weak. He gets me. When He looks at me He doesn't see a big mess. He sees potential. He sees something in me that no one else could ever see. He has seen me at my worst. He has seen me at my weakest. He looks past my outer shell and looks deep inside my wounded heart. He sees the past the smile plastered on my face. He sees the tears as I cry myself to sleep at night. When I'm full of anxiety and fear, He sees a warrior within me fighting to be released. He has brought me through many dark valleys. Valleys that weren't necessarily created by me. Valleys of darkness from my past, valleys of discouragement, valleys of hopelessness, valleys of defeat, valleys of addiction, and valleys of fear.  He is my joy in the midst of the valley. 
       There have been times where there was not one ounce of joy inside of my heart but I knew that God was with me and it gave me such peace. Music has been a huge outlet for me. There have been times where all I could do was lay in the bed and listen to worship music. There is so much healing in music. God speaks to me through music, even through music that have no lyrics. It reaches into the depths of your soul and pulls something so beautiful out of you. I've learned that there is beauty in the brokenness. There is joy in the valley. His friendship and joy is why I'm still here. Without Him, I am nothing. My life has no meaning apart from Christ. He is everything to me. I don't EVER want to go back to how it used to be; without Him. I don't ever want to experience a life apart from Him! Without Him there is a hole in my heart. He is the missing puzzle piece. I couldn't live this life without Him. I'm so thankful for His never-ending love and mercy that is constantly chasing me down. I've experienced so much pain and rejection over the years, but I've never felt more accepted in my life. I am a friend of God! I am His child. I am a daughter of the King. I am royalty. I am His beloved. He is my friend forever. He'll never leave me and never has. He is so faithful! 
       When you finally find a friend like Jesus, you realize how much you've been missing. He's a friend FOREVER. He's with me for ALL eternity. When things get tough, He won't just walk away and give up on me. You know what? I'm thankful for rejection. Rejection is what pushed me closer to Jesus. It taught me how to run into His loving arms. I don't ever have to worry about impressing Him. He loves me just as I am. He counts nothing against me. He doesn't even remember my past life. To Him it's as though my past has never existed. That right there is a true friend!
       So, let God be your best friend. Run into His safe arms. Let Him love every piece of you. Give Him every mistake, every failure, ever flaw. He WANTS you. He wanted you long before you were ever born. He is faithful and will NEVER let you down. Stop running to the friendship of the world and run into a friendship with Jesus Christ. HE is your friend FOREVER!


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